2019MBA联考备考每日一练:6-5 | |
为了让同学们赢得更多时间,提高效率,西安赛科MBA辅导中心特地为同学们精选了每日一练,让同学们能充分利用碎片时间学习,积少成多,夯实基础、厚积薄发,考上理想院校! 西安赛科教育专注管理类联考16年 每日一练 6月5日 1.某商品降价20%后,若欲恢复原价,应提价( ) A.20% B.25% C.22% D.15% E.24% 2. The water _______ from the tap and damaged all the books in my study. A. sprayed B. puzzled C. inclined D. exported 3. In the United States, Congress makes the laws and the President _______ them. A. orders B. conquers C. executes D. hedges
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上一个:2019MBA联考备考每日一练:6-7 下一个:2019MBA联考备考每日一练:6-4 | |
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